We had not raced since Dragstalgia 2017 due to ill health but back on it now with the first meeting backbeing Nostalgia Nationals 2019. I have added a FiTech which I purchased from Serck took me 6 months to do what was a 4 hour job LOL but that's me ;-)
Loved the meeting and a lot of firsts for me, bought a motor home and trailer even though i'd never towed before!

The outlaws are so helpful Gary, Adam, Rob and Dal helped me unload and get loaded up again. Kim was great, making a space for me as I arrived late Friday and being so helpful and supportive all weekend even helping me in the burnouts with Dal, what a team. so a big shout out to all these guys and girls. In fact I tried to talk to as many people as I could all very friendly proving this is becoming a continually growing family which I'm quite proud to be a part of!
I've always driven the car to the events and raced and the car has never let me down unfortunately this is a first I'd like to forget! she clearly doesn't like being a trailer queen! I'm treating this season as testing so I can really learn about the new Fuel Injection world. Target is to beat my 10.7 non gas PB and 9.81 gas PB so roll on Dragstalgia.
Finally I'd like to mention my girlfriend Pauline who is my Drag racing rock and she doesn't even know it, without her none of what I try to do would be possible.
I know I've missed out loads of people who I spoke to but I'm quite humbled being able to meet new and old friend s alike and receive such a warm welcome back so hats off to you all!